Ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Persian Costume and Decoration (1954)
Clothing was hardly a practical necessity in North Africa and what is today the Middle East. Often a luxury item in these warm, humid climates, it became more essential as people’s lives improved socially and economically. But even then, the drapery was light and tended to accent the body’s shape rather than conceal it. The first part of this profusely illustrated and scrupulously researched text examines the evolution in apparel worn by Egyptian royalty, priests, musicians, manual workers, the military, and foreigners (as depicted by Egyptian artists). Two additional sections consider clothing worn in ancient Mesopotamia and Persia, focusing largely on Sumerian, Babylonian, and Assyrian styles. Over 250 illustrations, drawn in the artistic style of the period, are accompanied by flat patterns showing the cut of the garment, thus enabling today’s costumers to accurately reconstruct this apparel. A comprehensive archive that will not only be of immense value to fashion historians and students of costume design, this volume will also fascinate anyone interested in the development of artistic representation.
More Information
London : A. & C. Black, 1954, 2nd ed.
Format: 190 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
ISBN : 9780713604733 0713604735
OCLC : 03191290 ocm03191290
Table of contents
Table of contents
Section I: Ancient Egyptian Costume
1. Costumes of the Old Kingdom
2. The Middle Kingdom
3. Costumes in the New Empire
4. Military Costume, Chiefly that of the New Empire
5. Priests, Musicians, and Manual Workers
6. Foreigners as Depicted by Egyptian Artists
7. The construction of Shaping of Ancient Egyptian Costume
8. Egyptian Ornament
Section II: Ancient Mesopotamian Costume
9. Sumerian Style in Costume
10. Babylonian Style in Costume
11. Assyrian Style in Costume
Section III: Ancient Persian Costume
12. Achaemenid, Seleucid, Arsacid, and Sassanid Persian Costume
List of Plates