OVERVIEW Womenswear Wikipedia writes of fourteenth-century clothing: “Wool was the most important material for clothing, due to its numerous favorable qualities,...
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OVERVIEW Womenswear Wikipedia writes of fourteenth-century clothing: “Wool was the most important material for clothing, due to its numerous favorable qualities,...
1350-1399 Womenswear Wikipedia writes of fashion in this period: “The innermost layer of a woman’s clothing was a linen or woolen chemise or smock, some...
A piece of linen which passes under the chin and is pinned at the sides, usually worn in conjunction with additional head coverings during the Middle Ages.
14th century, 15th century, 16th century, 17th century, 18th century, 19th century, 20th century, 21st century, Asia, B, term definition
An outer garment worn by Muslim women that covers the entire body, often with a cutout or mesh at the eyes.
Cochineal dyes come from the Cochineal beetle that is native to the Americas and is most commonly found on prickly pear cacti. When dried and crushed it creates its famous red pigment that is used to dye textiles.
An extremely popular decorative edging technique created by cutting that reached its height during the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
An often snug-fitting jacket that is shaped and fitted to a man’s body–worn mostly in the 15th to 17th centuries.
14th century, 15th century, 16th century, 17th century, 18th century, 19th century, Asia, C, K, term definition
The kaftan (also caftan) is an ancient garment, which originated in Ancient Persia but then spread across Central and Western Asia. It is a kind of robe or tunic that was worn by both men and women. Kaftans are still worn today in different ways.
A labret is a type of lip-piercing worn by various cultures to indicate wealth, prosperity and beauty.
Parti-color is the combination of different colors within the same garment along the vertical axis.
Wooden-soled platform over-shoes, which were commonly worn from the 14th century to the 18th century.
A shoe or boot with an extremely elongated, pointed toe, worn in the 14th and 15th centuries.
14th century, 15th century, 16th century, 17th century, 18th century, 19th century, Americas, ancient, T, term definition
A tupu is a long pin used to secure a garment worn across the shoulders. It was typically worn by Andean women in South America.